Questing for the “god shot”

What is the “god shot”? As defined by CoffeeGeek .

A God Shot, by nature has to be the double ristretto. This is a double shot of espresso that is specially prepared to produce a 1 ounce (give or take a quarter ounce) beverage using the same amount of grinds as a normal (3oz) double, in the same rough time as a normal double (25-30 seconds).

Ok, what does that really mean? A god shot is attained when all the factors involved in making espresso; the water, the temperature, the tamp, the coffee, the pressure, and the person drinking the shot are all perfect. “What,” you ask, “the person is perfect?” What I mean by that is everything comes together just right for the person that, at that instant, is able to experience its perfection. If every thing comes together ideally it might be a god shot for the next person in line but because of some individual reason the person getting that particular espresso can’t fully experience it, the perfection is lost. Some things that could affect the experience, allergies, you know, a stuffy nose or eating something just before that doesn’t react well with the shot.

Enough of that, “blah, blah, blah.” As a roaster, it is my job and joy to taste espresso.
I not only taste my espresso blends and the various coffees I roast as espresso, but I taste espresso most places that I go. If it is offered, I try it. I can tell you this I have had, outside of my shop, more bad espressos than good espressos, a lot more. Probably 95% (I don’t track them but this is close) are down right lousy and undrinkable. Most of the other 5% range from palatable to awesome. I have never had a god shot pulled by anyone else. That is not a testament to me or my coffee, it is that I pull my shots in the way best suited for my coffees. God shots do not happen often, but when it does it is a show stopper. For a moment or two, experiencing espresso at its finest is all that matters.

Finally, no one else can tell you that you are drinking a god shot. The experience in exclusively personal and you will know when it happens.

For me, when I go to a place that has espresso I will order a shot of espresso and a cup of coffee. Not together in the cup, you can’t experience either if they are mixed, I invite you to try this method when ordering coffee. Always have the espresso first, experience it then a few sips of water and on to the cuppa. Enjoy!