Coffee Blog

Pursuing a Dream

Building a coffee legacy over 20 years Many years were spent in the pursuit of a creative outlet. I am neither creative nor talented in the classical sense. There is no workmanship buried in my hands. Painting? Nope, I quake a bit. Writing? I’ve tried that too; my hands can’t

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Some Springtime Coffee Ideas

By Tim Curry Personally, I am a coffee purist. I drink my coffee straight and black. I do the same with my espresso. When I make the rare change to this it is only out of curiosity. You know, “Hmmmm, I wonder what this will taste like?” or, “That might

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10 Reasons Coffee is Cause for Celebration

Piece contributed by Natasha Bourlin Passport and Plume Coffee, while delicious, isn’t just for your cup An Ethiopian legend is told in which Kaldi, a goat herder from the plateaus of Ethiopia, originally discovered the benefits of coffee beans after witnessing his goats eating them and becoming so energetic, they

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How Coffee is Like Music

By Natasha Bourlin Passport and Plume Sometimes, when taking that first sip of freshly ground, freshly brewed Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee, we can almost hear music. It’s like an exquisite choir, a catchy beat, a perfectly orchestrated symphony in your cup. Both music and coffee are readily available and can be

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Camping, Coffee, and Closeness

Contributed Piece by Natasha Bourlin of Passport and Plume It’s a clear, crisp morning as you move ever so gingerly from your tent out into the world. The scent of pine, wildflowers, and just a hint of last night’s campfire lingers in the air. Stories shared and lessons together ruminate

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Taste-Makers Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Company

Contributed piece by Natasha Bourlin of Passport & Plume How do you taste your coffee, and what temperature is optimum? So, you’ve taken all of the steps to prepare your perfect cup of coffee…now it comes down to how you taste it. Yes, how you taste your coffee is just

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Seed to Cup; Give it a Minute

Good things come to those who wait…right? In the case of coffee, this is very true. Patience is rewarded when it comes to coffee. Coffee requires time, no matter what stage of preparation it’s in. From growing the coffee cherry, which takes approximately three to four years to get to

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How to Pair Coffee with Food

by Natasha Bourlin of Passport and Plume Within each coffee bean is a treasure trove of tastes. Every coffee-growing region around the globe puts forth flavor profiles for which they become renowned, but it takes the skillful art of a roaster, combined with a dash of scientific expertise, to coax

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How to Make Every Day National Coffee Day

Here at Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Company, we celebrate National Coffee Day every day. We believe coffee is a beverage worthy of commemorating daily, not just once a year. For many of us, preparing and sipping coffee is a ritual. It allows our mornings to run smoother, perks our afternoons up,

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