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Camping, Coffee, and Closeness

Contributed Piece by Natasha Bourlin of Passport and Plume

It’s a clear, crisp morning as you move ever so gingerly from your tent out into the world. The scent of pine, wildflowers, and just a hint of last night’s campfire lingers in the air. Stories shared and lessons together ruminate in your mind.
And, if you are anything like me, the first thought is, “COFFEE.”
Camping is one of the best getaways you can take in the midst of the COVID crisis. Relishing the outdoors, jumping in nearby streams or lakes, going on nature hikes plus the togetherness inspired by Mother Nature that never seems achievable while home.
And the meals…how does everything prepared while camping taste better than any five-star eatery you can dine in? OK, well, mostly…
Coffee, however, maybe the most delicious camping concoction there is. Techniques used to prepare it while out in the wild create a soulful, hearty, delicious beverage that readies you for another day of play.
How to Make Mouthwatering Coffee Camping
Tools you need:
1. Hand Grinder (unless you have electricity available)
Look at the Hario conical burr grinder or Zassenhaus hand grinders. Both are great options. Shop around and find the one that suits your needs best.

2. Scale (optional)
Sometimes forgoing precision for the sake of expediency is necessary. Have a battery-operated scale for optimal results.

3. Gooseneck Kettle
You will need something that will work over your campfire or camp stove. Hario has a nice option.

4. Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Beans
Of course.
Brew System Options:
• French Press
o This is always a fantastic way to brew coffee when camping. Get an insulated French Press with Bru-Stop technology from Planetary Design. The problem with the French Press is cleanup.
• Single-Cup Pour-Over Brewers
o This method requires a bit more attention during the brewing process but provides a wonderful cup of coffee.
o Perfect if you are the only coffee drinker in the group. Some excellent options are the Hario V-60, Kalitta Wave or Melitta.
o Don’t forget your filters if this is your chosen brew system.
Preparing the Coffee
The campfire coffee ritual begins by selecting from the diverse selection of wonderful, whole-bean coffee from our roaster. Perhaps you choose our bright and lively Ethiopia Yrgacheffe or our classic Cowboy Roast.
Then, get the water going over the camp stove or fire (Remember: 195-205° F to brew).
As the water heats, carefully measure your beans and hand grind them. For me, this is very enjoyable; the aroma of the freshly ground coffee, the feel as the grinder works its magic and opens up the beans preparing them for the brew add to the overall sensory experience.
Then, to brew, I prefer the pour-over methods as they are very hands-on throughout the process. The smells, brewing coffee, and the crisp, clean air. Then, to drink, face the rising sun taking the first sip. The ritual, the enjoyment, the peace, the joy.
Now, pack up your bags, sleeping included, tent or RV and get ready for the multisensory adventure of a lifetime.
